Talk Sex with Annette (Locker Room Talk & Shots)

Unicorns & Couples: Three Isn't Always a Crowd

She Explores Life Season 2 Episode 6

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Have you ever dreamt of being a unicorn? No, we aren't talking about the mythical creature with a horned head, we are talking about a woman who wants to join a couple in the sack. Or are you in a relationship, but have fantasies about bringing a unicorn into your bed? In this episode, Locker Room Talk & Shots guest Liberty shares her Unicorn stories with the Locker Room Hostess Annette. Find out what happens when Liberty joins a variety of couples and discovers what she's into and what she is not so much into. The duo also delves into the dos and don'ts for couples who are looking for that special unicorn. And...there are dos and don't for unicorns as well.

Before you cue up this episode of Locker Room Talk & Shots, make sure to make yourself this episode's themed shot. The Locker Room is serving up a Locker Room Talk special called The Unicorn.  You can find the recipe here.

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  7. Annette's YouTube: Annette Benedetti

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