Locker Room Talk & Shots Podcast By Talk Sex with Annette
The NPR of raunchy women’s sex talk. You know, the kind of conversations that take place during a girl's night out or behind closed doors after a couple of cocktails. Think fun, honest, and feminist with the goal of fighting the patriarchy one orgasm at a time.
Locker Room Talk & Shots Podcast By Talk Sex with Annette
How to Please a Sensitive Clit. 5 Techniques that will Make Her Scream with Pleasure Instead of Pain
In this episode of Masturbation Monday, we’re tackling a topic that’s essential for anyone exploring clitoral pleasure: how to touch an over-sensitive clitoris. Direct stimulation can sometimes feel overwhelming, but there are plenty of indirect techniques that can create incredible pleasure without discomfort. From layering and orbiting to creative ways of engaging the surrounding areas, this episode offers practical tips to help you or your partner feel more comfortable and connected during intimate moments. Tune in to learn how to embrace gentle, effective touch and enhance your pleasure experience.
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Do the sex. Welcome to Masturbation Monday with me, annette Benedetti, your host for Locker Room Talk and Chats. This is your invitation to join me for coffee in bed and a candid conversation about the masturbation practice I'm developing to support my mental, physical and emotional health and help manifest my dreams. Masturbation Monday is a guide to self-pleasure, better sex and using the power of the pussy to open new doors to a better life. Today's Masturbation Monday topic is how to touch and pleasure someone with a super sensitive clit. With a super sensitive clit, it's true. There are women out there and people out there with clitorises that are so, so sensitive that when they are directly stimulated, it causes pain or discomfort as opposed to pleasure. Now, for their partners, especially men, who have been told over and over again, in order for a woman to orgasm at least 80% of women they need some clitoral stimulation, this can be just frustrating. It's like what do I do now? In fact, some women will actually ask their partners not to touch them, not to go down on them, because it's so uncomfortable and painful for them. Well, not to worry. Today I have five techniques that will help you pleasure your partner if they happen to have a very sensitive clitoris and perhaps even convince them that going down on them and touching them is something they are going to absolutely love having you do from now on, while using these techniques. Now I am going to talk you through these techniques here on this podcast episode. You can, of course, watch this on my YouTube channel at Talk Sex with Annette, but if you want to see demonstrations detailed demonstrations of these techniques so you actually can see how to do them, you can go over to my OF site at the handle. There is the same as everywhere else at Talk Sex with the Night. You can also scroll down and I am dropping a link below that will get you there and I will be putting up over probably the next week or two, depending on when you listen to this. I'm going to be breaking down these demonstrations so you can see exactly what you need to do in order to assist your partner should they have a clitoris that is painful when touched. So if you are someone with a super sensitive clit or you are someone with a partner who has a super sensitive clit and you want to know how to work with this to maximize pleasure and maximize your opportunity for the big O's, grab your coffee, let's dive in Cheers.
Speaker 1:The first technique you can use to help bring pleasure to someone with a very sensitive clit is called layering, and layering is exactly what it sounds like. It is placing layers between your hand, your tongue whatever and the clitoris. So a good example of how you could do this is through panties. That thin material that is going to be laying over the top of the clitoris is going to create enough of a barrier that your partner is going to receive indirect stimulation and get that pleasure without feeling like overstimulated or in pain. Another way to perform layering is using the clitoral hood as that layer of protection for the clitoris and using it to rub the clitoris with. It creates a beautiful wet layer between your hand, your tongue whatever you're using and the clitoris, so that she can experience pleasure without being oversensitized, without getting that sort of ouch it hurts feeling which will turn her right off. Now you can use lots of different things to layer, whether you're using a sheet or underwear or clothes, whatever. It is lingerie. You could try all sorts of different materials to layer between the clitoris and your finger, thumb, sex toy. If you're using a toy, it's also going to help by creating enough of a barrier that she can feel vibration through the material. Without the direct stimulation Guaranteed, she's most likely going to get to that big clitoral bone.
Speaker 1:The next technique for pleasuring someone with a super sensitive clit is called orbiting. Now orbiting involves using your fingers, a tongue, a toy to make a circular motion around the clitoris, stimulating that really yummy, sensitive area around the clitoris in a circular motion. Now you are going to start wide with this motion when you first approach the area and you can stimulate the pubic area, the lips around it. But you start in a wide circle and create sort of a rhythmic pattern. Then you're going to move in closer to the clitoris with that rhythmic pattern until you're making tiny circles right around it. This technique creates a teasing sensation. It can not only indirectly stimulate the clitoris but it can stimulate the mind, wondering how close you're going to get when the next sweep is going to come around. It also helps put her body into a rhythm of pleasure. So again, you take your fingers, your toy, your tongue and you just start creating a rhythmic sweeping motion around the clitoris, starting outside, further away from the clitoris, and then slowly making that circle smaller and smaller as you work your way in. And this is going to slowly bring her to, hopefully, that big clitoral O.
Speaker 1:The third technique you can use to stimulate someone who has a super sensitive clit a clit that sometimes perceives pleasurable stimulation as pain is cupping. Now, cupping is a really cool technique because you can do several different things with it. You're basically going to turn your hand into a cup and you're going to put it over the vulva. You can either lift that cup up with enough of a curve in it that it does not touch the clit at all, or, depending on your partner and you're going to want to ask them for feedback you can actually cup it so that your hand is laying flat on the clitoris, but it's not rubbing it, it's creating contact. They'll be able to feel heat from your hand, but you're not going to create friction there. And then you can grasp the labia around the clitoris and squeeze them and kind of pull on them and rock them so they're actually engulf. The clitoris is receiving is through the skin of the labia. Uh, so you will gently kind of grab that area, you can rock it, you can pull it, you can pinch it again. You're going to be asking your partner for feedback on how this feels for them. But it is a yummy way for you to get your own enjoyment of really feeling all of her in your hands, while also providing her with a lot of indirect stimulation. And this can even start to sort of excite and wake up the G-spot if done correctly. And when I say correctly I mean putting maybe your palm right there at the opening of the vagina, and of course the G spot is just right inside that opening. So if you're rocking against that area, it's going to start waking up many different parts of her vagina, her vulva and, of course, her clit.
Speaker 1:The next technique I'm going to share with you that you can use to help stimulate someone with a super sensitive clit is a lot like orbiting. It is called the figure eight. Again, you are creating a pattern with your fingers, your tongue, a toy, and it sweeps around the clitoris. Now you can actually use this on the clit for people who enjoy direct stimulation. But in this case you're going to move the figure eight pattern that you're making with your finger or your tongue and as you loop into the cross section of your figure eight, you are going to maybe do that right under the clitoris and sweep down around her vulva, come back up. Take the top of the figure eight up and over the clitoris, come back down around and under it and just continue that rhythmic pattern. One of the really hot things about doing these techniques that create pattern and a rhythm is the rhythmic part of it. It really can move her into a meditative headspace if you're able to keep it and be consistent with it. Of course, you're going to be wanting to ask her if she needs you to slow down or speed up or move somewhere and much like with aura bidding. You can start by making this pattern big on her body and then moving in closer and closer and nearer and near to wherever she gets the most pleasure from it and the least pain from it. So that's going to require really good communication.
Speaker 1:Now, the last technique I'm going to teach you for pleasuring someone who has a super sensitive clit is called rolling. Now, rolling actually isn't much at all like it sounds in the name. It involves using a hand motion. You're going to be using your fingers for this. That is very much like snapping your fingers. You're going to be using your fingers for this. That is very much like snapping your fingers. You're going to use the same action with your hand. That you do in snapping, but you are going to put her labia inner and outer labia between your fingers, the hood of the clit, even the clit covered by the hood, and you're going to make that same motion.
Speaker 1:And you can do it in one place for a while, or you can move it around her clitoris and around her labia, her vulva area. You can use this on any of the sensitive skin down there and it just creates a sort of a different sensation. It's a great way to mix up the sensation so that she doesn't burn out on one technique. So, for instance, if you are orbiting for a long time, that might become overstimulating. You can move on to rolling, you can move on to the figure eight, you can move on to cupping.
Speaker 1:Mixing it up for people with sensitive clitorises is going to be important. So that's why I've shared five techniques for you. Remember, if one doesn't work, try another. If you have a partner who has a very sensitive clit, you're going to want to sit down for some play and experimentation time. Run through these different techniques, see which ones they enjoy, which ones excite them the most, and again, if you aren't really sure exactly how to perform them, I am going to have video tutorials ready to go for you so you'll be able to go and see those video tutorials and then try them at home.
Speaker 1:If you have any questions, feel free to send me a question. Drop a question below this video on my YouTube channel and I will get back to you. You can email me at Annette at TalkSexWithAnnette. If you go over to my Spicy site and watch the videos there, you can DM directly with me. I also have the option to ask a sex and intimacy coach a question, so you can get a little one-on-one session with me there and get some very specific information, if that's what you're in need of right now to bring that extra yummy oh to your relationship. If you are looking for an intimacy coach, don't forget you can always reach out to me at Annette at TalkSexWithAnnette, or check out my website, talksexwithannettecom, where you can find all about my intimacy coaching services. My books are open. I hope this helps. I'm looking forward to feedback from you and until next time I'll see you in the locker room. Cheers.