Talk Sex with Annette (Locker Room Talk & Shots)
The NPR of raunchy women’s sex talk. You know, the kind of conversations that take place during a girl's night out or behind closed doors after a couple of cocktails. Think fun, honest, and feminist with the goal of fighting the patriarchy one orgasm at a time.
Talk Sex with Annette (Locker Room Talk & Shots)
Vaginal Rejuvenation! Make Your Pussy Feel Pretty, Fun & Functional Again!
Are you in love with your pussy? Do you think she is perfect the way she is? If you don’t and find that the way she looks or functions causes you pain and or embarrassment in bed or in your daily life, there are solutions! On today’s episode, My guest Dr. Reed known as the Cosmetic Gyn, talks about all of the ways the modern woman struggles with vaginal issues and all of the solutions that are available to them so that they can get back to running the world. Do your labia cause you pain or irritation? Is sex uncomfortable or embarrassing? If you’ve ever struggled or had questions about your vulva, this episode is a must-listen!
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Do the sex Think fun, honest and feminist as fuck, and always with the goal of fighting the patriarchy. One female orgasm at a time. Welcome to the locker room. Today's locker room talk and chats topic is vaginal rejuvenation how to make your pussy look pretty. That's what we're talking about.
Speaker 1:Vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, perineoplasty all the plasties. There's lots of treatments out there for women and people with vulvas who are unhappy with their vaginas, their vulvas. They may have conditions and maybe something just they feel self-conscious about. Now. I have been really open about the fact that I think I've got a pretty one. I have no complaints, but I recognize that I am not even necessarily in the majority of women and how women feel about their vulvas and vaginas, or their pussies as I like to call her, and I think it's so important for women to know they have options, because if you don't feel good about your vulva, it's going to be really hard for you to feel good about sex and be present in sex and have a life filled with pleasure and a partnership that's satisfying. So we are very lucky because today I have an expert here who has an answer to all of our problems when it comes to how pretty we think our pussies are or how healthy they are or whatever. We're going to find out. We're going to find out who these treatments are for. I was so lucky to meet him. I went to the Stimulate trade show and conference where I met a bunch of really cool professionals in the sexual wellness arena, and I got to hear him talk. And now he's here with me.
Speaker 1:My guest today is Dr Michael Reed. He's known as the Cosm cosmetic GYN. He is a renowned board certified cosmetic and functional gynecologist with over 22 years of experience in women's sexual health, serving a diverse clientele that includes Hollywood celebrities and foreign royalty. So I'm just saying there's something to this. His expertise combines advanced surgical skills with a holistic approach, using cutting edge technologies and hormone therapies to achieve natural looking results tailored to each patient's unique anatomy and desires. Dr Reed's mission is to destigmatize sexual health services and normalize discussions about both sexual health and pleasure, empowering women in the process, and that is right up my alley. But, dr Reed, I would love for you to tell my listeners a little bit more about you before we move on.
Speaker 2:I mean, I think you did a wonderful job. I mean, I am a board-certified OBGYN, but I guess what people I would want people to know about me is that I've gone through a personal journey that made me transition, pivot my current OBGYN position, such that we need to change the landscape for women when it comes to women's sexual health women's sexual health, and so I would like you to think of me as a champion, ally, someone who is walking aside next to you to help push women's sexual health forward. It's been sitting on the bookshelf here for about 10 years. Nobody's picked it up. People are picking it up now and they're wondering what the hell do we do with it? Well, I'm here and hopefully we can answer a whole lot of questions, have a whole lot of fun at the same time and this is what you get the cosmetic GYN.
Speaker 1:I love it. I am excited about that. So his conversation at Stimulate was a game changer for me because, I'm going to be honest with you, I had my own biases around the idea of vaginal rejuvenation. I had thought to myself women just don't need yet another thing to worry about making pretty. Their pussies are pretty as they are. But then I started to really learn about some of the reasons women end up coming to you.
Speaker 1:I also folks got to see photos of before and afters and just the extent to what're really going to give you an overview of why one might seek the services he offers, what the services are, how they can change your life and make your sexual life and the quality of your sexual life and pleasure better. How they can make you feel more empowered in the bedroom, which is what and in life, because we know if you're empowered in the bedroom, you is what, and in life, because we know if you're empowered in the bedroom, you are empowered in the rest of your life period. I talk about that here all the time. So please stay, listen to all of the information he has to give you, and then, of course, I will let you know how to get in touch with him if you so choose to. So I'm ready. Let's talk about making pussies pretty.
Speaker 2:Let's do it. Cheers, all right. What is vaginal rejuvenation? Vaginal rejuvenation, vaginal rejuvenation is exactly it. I don't like the term number one because it doesn't tell us anything. All it says is I want vaginal rejuvenation.
Speaker 2:I don't like the term because it's nonspecific. Does vaginal rejuvenation mean I give you a little bit of estrogen, you're postmenopausal, you're having painful intercourse and now I give you vaginal estradiol and you're able to have non-painful intercourse? Is that vaginal rejuvenation? Painful intercourse Is that vaginal rejuvenation? Is it that you're having intercourse with your partner, your partner slipping out when it's at that moment and you want to be tighter, or you're suffering from tampons falling out, or you're at Pilates working out, and all these audible sounds are happening and you're asking for the vagina to be tightened? Is that vaginal rejuvenation? All of those are vaginal rejuvenation. It's a really nonspecific term. That really is just stating how I see it. When someone says I want to be seen for vaginal rejuvenation, that means the patient is saying there's something about my vulva and vagina that is bothering my head space and I want some help. And so what that means from a cosmetic gynecology standpoint is that I better really put on those listening ears, really listen and find out what it is that she would like to improve upon. So that's kind of vaginal rejuvenation. I don't like it.
Speaker 2:I like the term cosmetic gynecology, right. People don't like it because they're caught up on the term cosmetic. That's exactly what we want you to do. We want you to go. What huh Cosmetic? Because really what we're doing is providing you awareness, options and solutions to the real life concerns for modern day woman, right? And so a cosmetic gynecologist is exactly that. It's just a term for the layperson or, in this particular instance, a woman who is wishing to improve upon her vagina. Well, who do I go see that's going to listen to me and have some answers, and that's a cosmetic gynecologist. That term is there just to get you to do exactly what everybody's doing. What the hell is a cosmetic gynecologist?
Speaker 1:Right, I love that and you know it was interesting to me in that conversation. And what you just presented to me is it's literally everything from the hormone replacement therapy estrogen which I'm on, and I think it's very common when women get into perimenopause and older All the way to you can actually go in and do the tightening and other things like that. Now, of course, I know nothing about the options out there. I mean, I've looked at them a little bit before talking to you, but you're going to tell us about those. But really there is a suite of options out there for women going through different life changes, whether that is having had children or aging, or perimenopause. No one has to suffer through whatever the concerns are that pop?
Speaker 1:up. I can actually share my own story after I had my third child. I have three children. The way in which I got I had a tear, like happens often with women and the way I got sewn back together created like a new little, just a change in what my vagina looked like, and for a while I was very uncomfortable with it. Luckily it hasn't caused pain, but that might be something that someone would have chosen to go and have fixed correctly. Like you, do that kind of work as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's correct. I mean, I think that the problem is that people are looking and say, why in the heck are you doing something to your genitals? Well, why in the heck are you doing something to your nose? Why in the heck are you choosing to do a facelift? Why in the heck are you choosing to do a breast aug? Why in the heck are you choosing to do a breast aug? Why in the heck are you choosing to do an abdominoplasty? Because it's bothersome. You want to improve, you want to get rid of what's bothering you so you can have that head space to enjoy other things in life.
Speaker 2:So the problem there's not really a problem, it's just, hey, we're moving it down another notch to the vulva and the vagina, and so it could be cosmetic concerns, it could be functional concerns. It can be any reason that a woman would want to choose to change things to her liking not his or a boyfriend's liking or a husband's liking, but to her liking, should be able to do that and should be able to do that confidently and know that the physician is well-trained and can do the procedure and not be criticized, ridiculed or held under a knife because they're choosing to do something that another woman is saying I wouldn't do that. Well, that's her. Well, I wouldn't get a breast aug, that's okay. I wouldn't get a breast aug, that's okay.
Speaker 2:All we want to do is we want to set the field level right so that if a woman wants to do this A, B or C, she can do those things without being ridiculed or being put to shame or be stigmatized for wanting to do such a thing. And so I think that we have to start giving women the ability to feel comfortable and, more particularly, other women. Give other women the ability to feel comfortable in doing those things. And that's what I usually hear with patients is they don't want to say anything because they're more worried about what the other woman might say it's not about what the man might say, because we're just happy to be there.
Speaker 2:All of these procedures, women are doing for their own edification, for their own self. They are not coerced, they're not asked by their partners or any of that. I tell you, 99% of the patients come in because of their own choice, their own wanting, their own wishing. And so if we could get rid of women judging women as well as men are doing it, but more particularly women judging women or people judging people. It'd be great.
Speaker 1:I agree with you. I think I mean just knowing my own first reaction when I heard about the concept of vaginal rejuvenation and the cosmetic options. It was just this part of me that instantly went oh, they want us to change something else. But then, thinking about A as I've been doing this podcast, all the things that women and people with vulvas have come to me and said privately that, the things that are holding them back from feeling comfortable in sex and ways in which they have so much shame and discomfort, especially around how their vulva looks. And then, on top of that, you've already mentioned many of the things that plague women from queefing like crazy.
Speaker 1:I even did a podcast on embarrassing sex and things and and queefing can like up its level as you get older too, and then some women being concerned about being loose and all of those things. Um, those are real, real things that come up, and I can't tell you how many times. I've also just heard women talk about how ugly they think their vagina. They just they really have a negative relationship with that part of their body, which is super upsetting and sad and also is a barrier to pleasure. What I'd like to do now, though, is to go situation by situation and solution by solution, so I'd love for us to kind of knock out some of the top things women come to you for and what your solution is for those things, so that people can get an idea of like oh, do I have this complaint? All right, then what are some of the solutions you have to offer? What would you say? The number one complaint is that brings women to you looking for help.
Speaker 2:I think the number one complaint that women bring to me is that they want more satisfying intercourse. Right, they love their partner. They have no problems with their partner or their member's partner. Right, they love them. There's nothing wrong with. They want to have more pleasure is what the typical patient comes in for. Now how do they go about achieving that pleasure? Well, some of the women are older than they're in their 50s, and so they're saying it hurts, I can't get a man anymore, or I'm tearing on the backside. I'm tearing on the backside. So then we help with one either hormones, two, radio frequency energy or fractional CO2, laser treatments. There's even PRP, platelet-rich plasma. There's even CO2 lift V to help with that, which is a carboxytherapy.
Speaker 2:Another complaint that some women might have is after having children, and they're in their 40s usually, and they're saying you know, I love my partner, he's great, he doesn't have any problem, but I'd like to feel more, I'd like to have a little bit more, I want to feel him a little bit more, I want to pull him into me, and so they want a little bit of a vaginal tightening. And then we talk about well, how much of laxity is present. Is it such laxity that's present that requires surgery, then we talk about surgery. If there's laxity that's present, that can be modified and improved upon using a non-surgical option we talk about what those options are For which one For the laxity A how do you measure the laxity?
Speaker 2:Right, I think that's a great question. I don't measure it, I don't. She does. She tells me Dr Reed, I have been with my husband for X amount of time. I love him. I just can't feel him. I'm making some noises. I didn't make these noises before. I felt him before and I would like to get back there. And then I said, okay, well, let's do an exam.
Speaker 2:And we do an exam and invariably there's a large rectocele. A rectocele is a hernia between the rectum and the vagina, often seen as a lot of pink when they bear down. And so one of the options they go rectocele I've heard of that. Is that what you're talking about? Similar to a rectocele repair, and I say, well, that's part of it. But a rectocele in itself is a hernia, and just repairing the hernia won't do anything to improve your sexual gratification. The reason why you came. And so we talk about how we would do that surgically, which would be modifying the muscles, bringing the muscles together and then coming out, removing any scar tissue. The muscles together and then coming out, removing any scar tissue, placating muscles again, recreating the angle of pleasure again, and then cosmetically doing the procedure such that when she looks down she's pleased. So that's kind of what we would do for that.
Speaker 2:Other options for laxity that aren't surgical would be radiofrequency tends to work a lot better for skin tightening, so you could use radiofrequency. There's different modalities of receiving radiofrequency. You can use a machine called Thermiva. There's another one that's made by MSALA or BTL. There's a whole bunch of types of machines, but the idea is that radio frequency helps the most with skin tightening, if that, uh is. If that's not the the way you want to go, another option is fractional co2 laser, where we actually take a beam of light. Use it. Use it in the vagina in a non-painful, non-harmful way. Only hold back is that they can't have sex for five days, but it lends itself or creates a healing cascade such that you get increased tightness, improvement in lubrication, as well as collagen and elastin.
Speaker 1:I mean five days, guys. That's a sacrifice. You know it's so funny listening to you talk about. One thing that I am really into and I invest in a lot is I really enjoy different like facial treatments. I take like good care of the skin on my face and a lot of the treatments you're talking about. I mean, I know I'm sure they're different, but a lot of what I hear you talking about is offered for the face as well. Just, I'm sure, different the face, the face. Yeah.
Speaker 2:And the face. They're both the same. The skin on the outside of the face is the same as the skin on the outside of the vulva. The skin on the inside of the mouth is the same as the skin on the inside of the vagina. Face one, face two You've made the correct assumptions, that's right.
Speaker 1:A lot of the treatments we use on the face work wonderfully well on our second face, the vulva and the vagina. Right, the vulva and the vagina. Yet we focus on our face so much and it's such an important part of our body, even if you think about like all right. So we do all of this upkeep with our face because we want to look pretty and we want to be attractive, but when it comes to your sexual, sensual self, what is the thing on display that you want to, you know, have looking and feeling gorgeous, right? And then you've got these treatments for the face and they are very reflective of what I'm hearing you talk about being offered, you know, just for some self-care, even for a woman down there.
Speaker 2:I mean I think you know everyone I think now knows about vaginal estradiol. That's standard of care, that's standard of treatment for the vagina. Every woman should know I should be doing vaginal estradiol in the perimenopause. I mean you want to be able to have moisture on demand when you're aroused. Then you want to do vaginal estradiol. It's a difficult time for women when you know they're aroused and they're feeling it, but they're not making the moisture that they want to. That's a tough situation that makes you say am I aging and drying up? That's not fair. We got treatments. We have several treatments that are available. I think that you know, I think you can hear that the passion here is that we need to start caring for women more. We need to level the playing field. We need to change the landscape for women and I think it's through cosmetic gynecology. I think it's through women understanding that cosmetic is just a word. And then, finally, for women to understand is don't beat each other up Shit. Let's support each other in decisions that they make and let's focus rather than telling women don't do this procedure and don't do that procedure, because you should feel better about yourself. That horse has already left the stable. That's already gone, already gone. So what we should be focusing on is let's start finding physicians who are actually trained to do the procedures that these women are wanting, because what you really have is a wild wild west. Right there, you have certain women saying to other women you shouldn't go do this and you shouldn't go do that, and why don't you love yourself? I mean, why in the hell are you doing something like that? You don't love yourself, You're doing that. Well, what happens then is you have people who take advantage of situations like that, who are not as trained, who understand. Well, you know, I'll take advantage of this. If a situation comes out bad, the woman doesn't have anywhere to turn, because if she turns to one of her friends, they're going to say well, what the hell were you doing? Doing that anyway, right. But we need to support, we need to back up these women that are doing this and start putting pressure on physicians and organizations to make it safe for women to have these procedures, because these procedures are available for men.
Speaker 2:You know, you can make your penis bigger. You can tuck your balls and make them tighter. You can do I mean, you can do a whole bunch of stuff to the penis. You got Viagra, cialis, all these things, and nobody is saying anything to men. Be careful, don't do this. Well, in fact, men are protected. I mean, I know the person who has come up with the device that's made the penis bigger. He refuses to let any just any physician do it. Only 16 people can do it in the nation. Why? And I asked him why? And they said well, because men only have one penis. And that really grinded my gears, because women only have one vagina. But you can go out there and do all these things without training on vagina. But you can go out there and do all these things without training. So we need to get past the point that they're doing these procedures because they're already being done. Let's get behind the women. Support these women, put pressure on organizations and physicians to be trained, do these procedures right, so the playing field will be level.
Speaker 1:I mean, let's talk about the fact that one of the things you shared in your presentation was you fixing botched up procedures right, yes, yeah.
Speaker 1:And I don't remember. So I do want to go over like I don't know what a vaginoplasty is, labiaplasty, I don't know what these are and I do want to get to speaking to them. But let's talk a little bit about which one of those procedures did you do. In that presentation, a woman had come in and had gone and had a procedure done to make her lips I assume she wanted them smaller because she had been bullied by her early lovers who had, like, made fun of how her vagina looked, her pussy looked. So she had gone to someone who clearly, clearly I was. I was shook by the photos of what they had done to her. And she came to you and it was amazing, like the work you did, like I almost teared up just because as a woman, I can't imagine going through what she did and then, you really like, fixed it, so can we talk a little bit about those procedures.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so what you're talking about is labiaplasty 184,000 women worldwide will undergo a labiaplasty this year, in 2024. And it's continuing to rise. And what's happening is that there are physicians that are not being trained. There's very few trainers in the United States. When it comes to training how to do these procedures, I learned from one of the best.
Speaker 2:I learned from the guy who wrote the textbook in female cosmetic surgery, did a fellowship with him for 18 months and from that I saw that women were being botched left and right because he was getting some of those patients and we were seeing those patients botched, and in my terms, botched is a term in which I would say that the original physician cannot repair the damage that has occurred. If the original physician can't repair his or her work, then she's been botched Right. And so I did come up with and spearheaded a procedure called Revive. I call it Revive. It's a vaginal flap advancement. It's known. People know how to do it. I'm the only one that has successfully done it in the United States. The next person I know of is in Romania and the one after that is in Germany that know how to do this vaginal flap advancement. And so we were able to create New Labia where none were before Fashion New Labia, and she's been extremely happy with it.
Speaker 1:I have written it up and I'm trying to present it at a, at an organization, so we can get the word out and get people feeling better about themselves after being botched. So what happened in her case? She went in and and it looked like they, just they, because I'm assuming she felt like her lips were too big, her labia were too big, and so she went in and this guy, just like, took them off like she had no, no lips after, and it really didn't. It didn't look good. Not only that, however, he sewed her up, look horrible. And so then there's a problem, because now you don't even have any skin to work with, to rebuild, and she came to you and you somehow magically rebuilt what then looked like. Like I mean, I'm, I'm bisexual, I've seen quite a few labia in my life.
Speaker 1:I was like all right, all right, right, we're good. You know, I felt like it was. It was such an improvement and I was so. She was quite young and I just felt for her. So you then did the rebuild.
Speaker 2:And I mean the biggest thing, I would give the biggest felt for her. So you then did the rebuild, and I mean the biggest thing. I would give the biggest applause to her for being willing to trust another physician. I mean to go under this with the idea and feelings that she had about her large labia being scrutinized and then knowing that other women and other people are going to scrutinize her decision and then the physician botches her and then she has to live with that, heal with that and then trust another doctor. And so I give my applause to her for being brave enough to allow us to do this. And then, on top of that, she shares her story so that other women can know that these things happen and that you need to look for the right person, find the right person the first time.
Speaker 2:And it also sheds light on the fact that we, as physicians, aren't doing what we're supposed to be doing. We're not training, we're not taking up the time, except for those cosmetic gynecologists that I talked about in the beginning, but there's a lot of docs out there that don't want to take up the time to learn something new. This is not an easy procedure. When you look at it, you think it would be. I just did one this morning and that took two hours two and a half hours.
Speaker 1:This is not a A labioplasty is difficult.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it takes time, effort and just a lot of skill. And people don't realize that until they've trained. Then, when they train, and then they see all the anatomy and can begin to visualize the different anatomies and how the intricacies that are there, they're like snowflakes and so to be able to manage that takes real expertise. And they don't see that until they get trained. And then they go oh, what was that? You can't just pull it, cut it and be done.
Speaker 1:Right, I mean, I think that's another thing that I wish people really understood is that when it comes to women's vulvas like we are not, I know when you are on porn you're seeing one set of like they look for the same one to show everybody. But every woman's vagina vulva looks different and there's a lot and it all looks good, but certainly there are. You know, it's it's sort of like with each of us. It's like oh, this set of people are attractive, all of the rest aren't. And they do that with vaginas and especially with labia and the lengths of labia and what comes out and what doesn't.
Speaker 2:So, uh, I would imagine it takes a while yeah, but but I don't think that I would stop you there in that I disagree just a little bit and so I want to talk about that, in that you know, it's not just. You know, oh, the labia are just a little long and I want to shorten a little bit, or it looks a little cuter this way and I would like it that way. I mean, I've had a basketball coach that came to me and she said she was 38, 39. She had just figured out what the procedure was. She wished she had knew about it because she had run up and down the court for years as a basketball player and now as a coach, she was experiencing the same thing and now she was able to get on, trim and live more comfortably.
Speaker 1:So you're saying that they caused pain, they caused discomfort?
Speaker 2:Yes, pain and discomfort. A lot of people that don't understand almost invariably have an innie, meaning that their labia minora are not protruding out beyond the labia majora. They're innies and so those innies don't get it. Sometimes, if you're dealing with a thicker penis, the labia minora can get pulled in and can be painful or discomforting.
Speaker 1:During sex, the labia. When they're larger, they get pulled in.
Speaker 2:Yes, so sometimes the lady may just have to pull one labia and pull the other one apart and say, okay, well, does she want to do that all the time, or does she go? Oh, stop, stop, hold on, let me move. Well, she gets tired of doing it.
Speaker 1:How embarrassing, yeah, ok.
Speaker 2:That could be OK. What about? That was a good by the?
Speaker 1:way, that was a good representation. You using your jacket lapels If you're on my audio podcast.
Speaker 2:Come to the video podcast, because that was the most pg version of like imitating a vagina.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yep, we get the point across, right?
Speaker 2:so then, what about? What about women that are now training, who want to train, who want to exercise, who want to jog for long distances, who want to be just pure athletes? Soccer play I mean, the whole field is opening up for women. Now, right, we are doing women are doing everything lifting weights, doing the damn thing that women can't do to be just pure athletes, soccer players I mean, the whole field is opening up for women. Now, right, we are doing, women are doing everything lifting weights. That ain't a damn thing that women can't do. Shoot, we're about to have our first woman's president, right? So, I mean, there it is. So, as women are doing more, they're knowing that, hey, these ladies are getting in my way, right? Soccer players, baseball, I mean, sports models.
Speaker 2:If you're modeling lingerie, or what if you want to wear your own lingerie, but now you got to wear some other underwear that you don't really want to wear. You want to wear a little more dainty ones, but they won't hold everything, and you don't want anything hanging around over on the outside of each of your panties, right? So that's a lack of freedom that the woman is looking for. She wants the freedom to be able to wear and choose things that make her feel good and not being dictated by her genitalia. So it's not looks, it's not just looks. That's the whole thing. People are waking up and going. Wait a minute, it's not just looks. I mean they're in the way when I'm putting on my pants and my underwear. I mean there's all kinds of stuff that's happening to these women, but nobody's talking about it.
Speaker 2:I'm trying to talk about it and the ones that have any don't understand it. And if we talk about it and if the women talk about, well, I want to do this, they're told they're crazy. And then there's no doctors that are really good and trained at it. So where does she go? I mean, we got a big-ass hole there. We need to fill it in and take care of these women, right? It's not about you feeling good. It's not that you're lacking confidence, honey. You don't love yourself enough. So why are you? It's not that, it's not Shit.
Speaker 2:I got abdominoplasty because I didn't like the fat around my belly after I lost weight. Does that mean that something's wrong with? No? Well, if I'm fit and 40 and I have muscles, six pack, my legs are killer quads, my arms arms are guns and I go, stand in the mirror and pose and now my labia majora are the only things dangling in the way. And then, when the wind, and there's a doctor like dr reed who can tighten that up, cinch it up and make me feel as fit as I look and feel sure.
Speaker 2:So it's not all about cosmes. There's a whole lot of things that go along with it. There's a lot of things functional. Every cosmetic procedure is a functional procedure, and every functional procedure has some sort of cosmesis in it. If you had a functional procedure and you say, oh, it's just functional, I just want the labia, well then, shouldn't anybody be able to do it, just cut it off, leave you a hole. They're not in the way anymore. Right. But by not training doctors and not putting pressure on organizations, those women who got chopped off have nowhere to go. Well, if they go to court and try to sue that doctor, everybody is looking at her and going. Well, why in the hell did you do that? And you said you, the labia were in the way, where they're not there anymore. So what are you suing about? Well, damn it, if you were trained and there were, uh, understandings, uh, you want to leave a little bit, a little bit of labor. This is what normal labia look like.
Speaker 2:Here's another thing that really gets my gears going is women are left without proper instructions. They're told oh, you can go back to work in three days, just ice for a few hours. It's not a big deal. Are you kidding me? No, I have page after page of instructions. There's a whole list of things that women need to know about, and this is a brand new field and people are getting hurt. People are doing well, just depends on what they're pulling and drawing.
Speaker 2:So if you're talking about putting women forward, if you're talking about moving the mark for women, then the one way that we move that mark is get doctors trained to not only talk about it but correct it appropriately, be able to counsel the patients, be able to talk about. Well, you know, every patient that I see is normal. I make sure they know they're normal. You know you're normal, right? I mean I haven't looked at you, but I know you're normal. Why? Because you're normal. You're born normal, but you're allowed to change those things that bother you. So let's talk about what's bothering you. But you do understand you're normal.
Speaker 2:So there's a whole host of things that goes into this. Because you don't want to cause a problem where there wasn't before, you don't want to say, well, she comes in for a labiaplasty. And then, where there wasn't before, you don't want to say, well, she comes in for a labiaplasty, and then you go my God, do you like the way your labia majora just sag all over the place? No, you don't do that. You got to have chance. There's so much to it so much to it because it is such a delicate field. It's a new field and women are deserving of it. Women are deserving of physicians who are properly trained, well-informed and well-intentioned. We need to do this. Is it talking about what is a labiaplasty Absolutely? What is a vaginal Absolutely? What's vaginal Absolutely? But we also got to talk about how do you get those things that you want, but get them safely.
Speaker 1:Get them safely, because pulling someone back and telling them they're not occur to me either that there would be the functional side of it or that it would keep women from doing things, which is kind of silly when I think about it, because I know women who get breast reductions because it's painful and causes back problems and we don't blink at them right. And also I have friends who have lost a lot of weight and actually it's built into insurance after they lose a lot of weight and actually it's built into insurance after they lose a lot of weight that those procedures are covered to remove the skin because it causes chafing and like all sorts of irritation.
Speaker 2:But you're right, same things happen down low.
Speaker 1:Women don't talk about how having a and, admitted to, like I have large labia and I'm sure out of all of my many, many women friends there are some that do or about the problems that cause us. But everything you mentioned is something that would be a daily interference for a woman trying to have a happy, fulfilling life.
Speaker 2:I'll give you another. So another example with cosmetic gynecologists is really neat and really cool as far as a functional aspect is that we operate in and around the clitoris all the time, right, doing clitoral hood reductions and these kind of things, rehabilitating diseases like lichen, sclerosis, genital urinary syndrome, menopause, where you actually can fuse the prepuce or the skin over the head of the clitoris. Well, wouldn't it be wonderful to have a doctor who's used to working in and around that area to release that fusion so that clitoris can be free and open to pleasure? That's one of the things that we can do. We can do those things.
Speaker 1:So this is a condition I've not heard about. Why have I not heard about these conditions? So it's a condition where the hood fuses to the clitoris.
Speaker 2:Yes, it fuses. It comes right over and fuses to the skin underneath, so now that the entire clitoris is covered, she's less sensitive if she rubs and does things. So sometimes you got to have it unhooded so that you can get the skin off and now you can get to the pleasure. That's one of the things that we're good at, because we work in and around that area all the time we go to your general OBGYN, they don't know. No, no, there's a lot of things that we do that are more than cosmetic, but I need people to stop and see that there's a doctor that is different and that's why that word is there. And I, you know, I've kind of mentioned that. You know you, there's sexual wellness training that comes, you know. You got to be able to talk to patients appropriately. You need to understand menopause, uh, because there's menopausal changes that occur that can be treated with medications that don't require surgery. I mean there's. I mean where this field should be is with ob-gyns. It's. It's like a no-brainer. We just got to get us there. I mean I have tons of ideas, love to speak with them about it and get it happening, but I mean this is we got to start somewhere and your platform and that is is a wonderful one.
Speaker 2:You have a lot of people who listen to you and and hopefully this stimulates conversation and gets people to think you know, it's not just porn stars, hollywood A-listers and foreign royalty, it's soccer moms, pta moms and that old lady in the garden next door working. They all want sex too and they want it to be pleasurable and they want answers and they want to be able to go to a physician that can talk about it, and one of the I mean I can talk about it all day, and that's one of the things patients really appreciate is just the fact that they could just talk about it. I mean I had so much fun when the couples come in because then you got husband and wife and they're thinking one thing and damage it. It's not even close to that. It was because I don't have any vaginal estradiol and I keep tearing. That's why I don't want to have sex. It has nothing to do with you. I love you. Oh, you do. I don't know, let's do it. I mean it's so beautiful, you know. And then they come back around and they're I mean, it's wonderful. I've even had, uh, sadly, I've had uh.
Speaker 2:Some guys say I've lost a marriage over this condition. They come in with the second wife. They're in love with her, they love her and they don't want to go through a divorce again. They talk, we talk, and then they look and he scratched his head. I remember it like it was yesterday. I lost a wife to this kind of process.
Speaker 1:I bet that happens a lot and I have to tell you.
Speaker 1:it's so funny that you say that to me, because I will say I am shocked. Of my listeners that reach out to me the most, it tends to be older men who really want to figure out how to fix the intimacy in their relationship or they're like oh, we're getting older and we're kind of wanting to, like get our groove on again. I don't even know where to start and and I'm actually by the time this goes live, it will have dropped. I'm dropping an episode where I talk all about the myths about women and aging, like we've been told that women don't want to have sex after a certain age. I'm 50, I can tell you that's not true. You know, doctor, I'm sure it's not true that women of an older age not only want to have sex. They're having really good sex when they do and they enjoy and pursue sex up into their 80s and beyond, when they can right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I have ladies that come in on a regular basis to get the laser because the laser works synergistically with the vaginal estradiol um. She's on my youtube, 80 something, 83. She tells herself what her age is. We do her laser, her and her lover. They love it and they have great time, and she comes in on clockwork and just talks about it and whatever chance she has she likes to share with women. Don't be a fool about this. Go ahead and do it. Take care of yourself. Don't let other people and what other people say stop you. You know, yeah, and I think that's the biggest thing that you know women need to do as well as men. But it's easy to just tell men shut up, you don't know anything about it, so shut up. And then they shut up, but it's women, you know saying things.
Speaker 1:What I'd like to do right now is really list off so that, if I have listeners right now who are listening and they hear a function, I want to talk about functional and listen. Ladies, it's also okay to want to do something for an aesthetic reason. That is totally up to you. But let's talk about some functional things that might need to be addressed by someone like you. Like they can say, oh, that is something I'm experiencing, I didn't know there was a solution. Now I know and I'm going to reach out, if we could kind of list off some functional things and relational things or emotional things, quality of life, things that might be occurring, that should be the little red light that says, okay, I'm going to reach out to Dr Reed, I'm going to start looking into these treatments. Says, okay, I'm going to reach out to Dr Reed, I'm going to start looking into these treatments, so that, a they know who to reach out to and, b they know what episode to listen for in the future as we dive down into treatments that are available.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, I think the easiest way is just to start from the outside in.
Speaker 1:I head to my YouTube channel. He's got a visual, my friends, so.
Speaker 2:So we got to pull up.
Speaker 2:What can we do? We start from the outside. We talked about debilitating diseases like lichen sclerosis, where you can actually get fusion over the top of the clitoris. Just because there's fusion doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't work. You can have fusion and it still works. But some women, even though you have fusion, it doesn't work. And so what are the options? You can do clitoral unhooding so that this hood is free to move and for exposure to pleasure. You can also to increase sensitivity of the clitoris. You can do PRP, where you inject into strategic areas of the clitoris, urethra and the G-zone to improve lubrication.
Speaker 1:There's a little G-spot in there. Yeah, I love it. Yeah, you got it. If you are on my audio podcast, go to at Talk Sex with Annette on YouTube and you'll be able to see.
Speaker 2:And you can do the labia minora. We talked about it. They're rather big, they can chafe with running and sports, they can get pulled in with intercourse, and so we can remove labia Right. We can also fix the perineum. Sometimes the opening is right on top of the rectum, so there's only a thin sliver of skin between the two, and that's usually because the muscles of the perineum weren't repaired appropriately at the time of delivery and so there's just a sliver. So then you could be getting poo close to the opening or into the vagina. So from a functional standpoint, you can do a perineoplasty which closes the vagina, elevates it and creates more space between the anus and vagina, thus making hygiene better. So we talk about labia majora. Labia majora sometimes they can be droopy, they can get in the way, they could interfere with walking, they could take away the freedom to wear clothes that you would like to wear, whether that's Lululemons, athleticas or Aloe. Some of those can affect the way we want to look. So you can do actually a facelift of the labia majora, where we're able to remove a sliver of skin and then take this piece that was cut and move it in closer and tighten the skin of the labia majora.
Speaker 2:Now, on the inside. When you talk about the inside, sometimes we talk about for pleasure. Sometimes this area, the perineum, can be flat. So you want to create something kind of like a ramp to change the angle so that you can direct the penis more towards the G zone. That's called the Vangio Angelo, it's an angle creator to do that. You could also have platus. You could also have platys. You could also have queefing from doing exercises. Or you might see large bulging that's coming out when you go to have a bowel movement. Or when you have a bowel movement, you got to put your thumb in the vagina so that you don't, so that you can have a bowel movement movement, and it's called splinting, so that you can splint and have the bowel move out of your rectum rather than pooching up into the vagina. So by fixing that with a vaginoplasty you can get rid of that.
Speaker 2:Uh, hernia, you can tighten the muscles and you can make the tightness to your liking, similar to that of your partner. Then you can do identity, all of these things non-surgically. You can add clitoxin here to help with sensitivity. I mean there's lots and lots, and lots, but you can't go anywhere else to find this right. You go to your OBGYN and you're 50. They say let's check your mammogram, have you had your labs? Let's do your pap smear. How are the grandchildren See you later? And if you have a good one, they may ask if you leak, and that's about it. But we just talked about a whole host of issues that women can experience, and I have said these terms are modern day concerns for the modern day woman, and what do I mean by that is women are doing anything and everything, including presidency, and so we need doctors that can address the real life concerns of women, and that's a cosmetic gynecologist, not your ordinary gynecologist. But those are just some of the things we can do for the vulva and the vagina.
Speaker 1:That's amazing. That was such a great way to walk me through it. I had no idea.
Speaker 2:I'm a little embarrassed.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know I'm a little embarrassed at my own lack of knowledge, because I do spend a lot of time researching all this. As a woman now going through perimenopause, I have to be proactive, because the information is not out there. I mean I'll pull studies of my own and dive deep and I look for experts. But now that I know the vast array of struggles that women are having out there because of their vulvas and vaginas, I hope that just hearing this talk, hopefully you're going to go to YouTube and, at the very least, hit my YouTube channel and then fast forward to the end and watch his walkthrough on that. I think that's going to be super helpful, that you'll get help. We all deserve help. We all deserve to be comfortable, confident and to be in love with our pussies. I think I love mine. I love mine. So thank you so much for all of that. I would love for you to walk my listeners through all the places they can find you.
Speaker 2:Oh, they can find me on YouTube, instagram, facebook, tiktok, google, bing. Just put my name in. Just put my name in Google, you'll find me Real. Self IRCG, usa, revive. Amen, Just put my name in Google, you'll find me real. Self I R, c, g D U S a revive. I'm all over, just look for me If you need me. I'm here for you. Would love to care for you, but thank you so much for listening today.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and thank you so much for being on. I look forward to future conversations and getting information out there for people who need your services, because I know there's a lot of us out there and listeners. What a treat for you today, because this really is cutting edge stuff, and what a treat for me coming into the conversation. I knew kind of what we're going to go over, but I did not know it was going to be so informative and so vital and important. So thank you so much and to my listeners, I'll see you in the locker room. Cheers, cheers, cheers.
Speaker 2:Ring loop.