Locker Room Talk & Shots Podcast

Olympic Ceremony Outrage, Swingers & Unicorn Hunting! The Secret Sex Lives of Conservatives Exposed

July 31, 2024 She Explores Life Season 2

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Is conservative Christian outrage over the Paris Olympics really about a drag queen performance, or is it hiding something deeper? Join us as we pull back the curtain on the hypocrisy within conservative circles, revealing a world where public morality clashes with private indulgence. My guests, Dominatrix Lucy and Ruby, aka Deanna, expose the secret lives of conservative swingers, painting a vivid picture of a community mired in contradictions. We discuss the backlash against the vibrant, inclusive opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics and the underlying tensions between ancient traditions and modern celebrations of gender equality.

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Speaker 1:

Do the sex Think fun, honest and feminist as fuck, and always with the goal of fighting the patriarchy. One female orgasm at a time. Welcome to the locker room. Today's locker room talk and shots topic is Olympic ceremony outrage, swingers and unicorn hunting. The secret sex lives of conservatives exposed.

Speaker 1:

As you all may be able to guess from the title of this podcast episode, I have been inspired by the recent controversy over the opening ceremony at the Olympics. The drag queen performance at the Paris Olympics opening ceremony sparked outrage from religious conservatives and politicians in America, who saw it as a mockery of the Last Supper. However, in America, who saw it as a mockery of the Last Supper? However, the scene depicted a Bacchanal feast to Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, tying back to the Olympics' ancient Greek origins. French director Thomas Joly clarified that the performance was about inclusivity and not meant to shock or mock, emphasizing France's artistic freedom and rights. While many celebrated it as an inclusive moment for the LGBTQ plus community, others found it offensive and, of course, started screaming and yelling.

Speaker 1:

Now I immediately reached out to my community of sex positive guests, both of whom, if you've been listening to this podcast for any amount of time, you are well acquainted with.

Speaker 1:

I will reintroduce them because I felt it was time for us to talk about how problematic the outrage is, for a couple of reasons First of all, my personal experience with the Christian conservatives in the sex positive scene and how they say one thing and they are doing another, but also, I think, as a queer woman we are all queer women. There are lots of things that are problematic and hypocritic about the outrage that we are seeing right now and the false purity story of conservatives that is being used to try and control what the rest of the world does as it celebrates the Olympics, which, I believe for the first time ever, they have an equal number of women athletes, which is a huge cool thing that's happening. So here to discuss this topic with me today are oldie but goodie guests. We've got our dominatrix, Lucy this should not surprise you at all and we have Ruby, aka Deanna. You guys want to just reintroduce yourself. Tell them one episode you're particularly proud of that you were in with me in the past, starting with Lucy.

Speaker 3:

Hi everybody, so nice to be here again. I am Lucy the local dominatrix, I guess, and I have been on quite a few episodes, but I guess our low-Ktober one is one of the most popular ones that I've been on quite a few episodes, but I guess our low-Ktober one is one of the most popular ones that.

Speaker 1:

I've been on. She puts cocks in cages. Deanna aka Ruby.

Speaker 2:

So there's many, but the one that popped up when I was like, ooh, what am I going to say? Is my favorite. I don't remember the title of it, but I'm going to say I don't think it was kink on a budget. Maybe it was, but I had all the Dollar Tree signs that I had brought. That was really fun.

Speaker 1:

Yep Kink on a budget. We did that all together, but today we are going to be talking about the Olympic outrage, the drag queen ceremony and sex secrets and more. When it comes to our conservative Christian community, let's get ready to talk about conservative sex and bullshit outrage. Are you ready, Ladies? Cheers, All right, I want to kick this off with for me me why I called us all together.

Speaker 1:

In the last year or two, I have become acquainted with the swinger slash lifestyle community and one of the things that took me aback right off the bat is how many of them identify as Christian and conservative.

Speaker 1:

Now, please, everybody note there is a big difference between the swinger lifestyle community and the poly community and, from the research I've done also, I want to be really clear about this, because the poly community does seem to be more liberal and made up of queer folks.

Speaker 1:

The swinger community does tend to, from the research I could find, and it's, of course, slim, because a big part of the Christian conservative swinger group of people is that they're also hiding and not open and, if you will, in the closet.

Speaker 1:

So when I heard the outrage to this drag queen show, which depicted a bacchanalia, if you will, it really pissed me off because in my experience with the lifestyle group of folks, I have really struggled with their ability to claim to be Christian and conservative and to want to force their beliefs on everybody else and say this is right and this is wrong. Yet they are going out and finding other people oftentimes unicorn hunting aggressively other folks to fuck and bang in a very sort of like celebratory way that resembles what a Bacchanal feast would be like, a very like sort of self-indulgent partying type ways. In fact, ironically, one of the groups that I became highly acquainted with had a yearly party that they call the Bacchanalia, where they get together and they stuff themselves on food and booze and, you know, bang each other wildly, but then they go back to their very conservative Christian lives. The way the two worlds collided in my mind, in my personal life and on the Olympic stage, I was like we need to start talking truth to this bullshit, right?

Speaker 3:

I mean you are absolutely right. I feel like some of the most Christian people that I have met that go to church every Sunday and are very just, don't drink and do all the Christian. Christian things I guess are some of the worst people I've ever met. A lot of them will drink in secret. A lot of them have mistresses or other kind of lovers all around. But as long they just believe, as long as they go to a confession, however long that is prescribed in the religious Christian situation I'm not sure, because I am not religious myself but as long as you go to confession and tell whichever pastor or father or whomever you prefer that you did all these horrible things and you are forgiven for them. After you say Hail Mary or whatever you say, all is well and you forgiven and you can go do exactly the same thing the next week. As long as you come to confession on Sundays, all is well, and that is quite hypocritical.

Speaker 1:

Ruby, I want you to jump in on this because we were having this conversation earlier. We were talking about the outrages around the idea that and I will folks go to my YouTube channel at Annette Benedetti, and I will folks go to my YouTube channel at Annette Benedetti I'm going to put up a picture of the snapshot that's being taken of this celebration, this ceremony depiction of the Feast of Dionysus and then one of the Last Supper, and I'll show you what Christians are trying to say. But the irony is and I am sure that we'll be able to find this is that there are similar depictions of Trump as Jesus and nobody's getting upset about that on the Christian right side, which is ironic because Trump is known for his, you know, cheating on wives, fucking multiple people, raping and sexually assaulting women and young girls, and no one is getting outraged about that. So, Deanna, I know you actually brought this up and I'd love to hear you speak to it more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, unlike Lucy, I have a lot of unfortunate familiarity with conservative Christianity. I have had a lot of exposure to the judgment, the hypocrisy, the narcissistic ways of Christian Americans and I, when I first heard the outrage, I watched the opening ceremonies and I heard a lot of people like I was watching my social media feeds and some people like what's going on? This is the weirdest thing, what are they doing? Ok, number one, it's France. They're they're artsy, it's France people. So just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's weird. But I was like oh, that's great. I don't know of any Last Supper where there was a blue guy on a table or any blue guy depicted. To me it was very obvious that this was not a reference to anything Jesus, because Jesus has nothing to do with the Olympics. It very much immediately was a Greek God type thing. The Olympics goes back to Greek and Greek mythology, so why would anything be inspired by the Bible for the Olympics? American Christian people think that they are the focus of everything. Everything is about them. This isn't even our country. This event has nothing to do with your organized religion, but yet you make it about you and you make it about offending you. They weren't even thinking about you. That is repeated. Most in that book is not to judge people, because that is God's place to judge people. Yet my experience has been American conservative Christians are the biggest judges of anybody. They are going against the biggest rule and the biggest lesson in that book that they throw in your face every chance they get. So this just outraged me.

Speaker 2:

Trump has not only been depicted in the Last Supper, he has been depicted I've seen a poster where he is in a robe like Jesus, with his hands out and like this heavenly light emitting from him. These same people have that shit on their walls, like on t-shirts, like you can't say see, look, gay people, queer people, they're going to take this world down. They you can't say that and then have that in your home or have that on your computer screensaver. Tv alone. There has been multiple highly rated tv shows that at one point have had the cast in a photo depicting and it's the same imagery as the last supper. Never has that ever come up. Sein Seinfeld was one. House was one. The Simpsons I saw Simpsons was one and never was it an issue. So the only time this is an issue A it's not even in our country and B it involves the queer community.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a problem when there's queer and trans folks involved in it. And the thing that I thought was really hit me hard, as Jolie was talking about why he put it together and sort of having to defend himself, he said you know, and one of the rules about the opening ceremonies and the celebrations and shows that are put on is that they have to represent the place where the Olympics are being held. And he said in France we believe inclusivity, we believe in freedom and at this point in history and we are really in America standing on the brink of either being all about freedom or not, and we're going to find out in the upcoming election real quick where we're at. But that struck me the way he said that, and I'm sure that was a very pointed remark, because the world is watching America right now.

Speaker 1:

And isn't it interesting that this Christian conservative right wants to control everybody else with purity, culture and their ideas of what's right and wrong, everyone else? They want to be able to control them. But then they want to create this secret place, a closet, a huge closet, if you will, where they can do what they want with whom they want sexually. And I mean this is happening on a massive scale, like there is a swinger club here. You go there and I'm telling you, right now, 75% of the people there, easily, are conservative and I have been approached as now a single woman by a sexual woman. I have been approached by lots of conservative folks, uh, wanting me to be a third unicorn, hunting me.

Speaker 1:

And it is so funny because when push comes to shove, I'm like I don't think you want me, like I'm not your kind of person, and they'll say, oh yeah, we're more the same than you realize. Like we are not. Trust me, we are not the same. But I mean, maybe there's truth to what they say, because they want to be the same, but in order to allow everybody else the same freedoms they want to have for themselves, they have to let go of their ability to oppress and control everybody else. Right, and the way that they maintain control is maintaining this view of being better than everyone else by being more pure, which we all know they aren't.

Speaker 1:

I mean, look at the leader that they're choosing right now and no one in their right minds would ever say that Trump abides by Christian law. In fact, there's a clip of him the other day saying you know, oh you lovely Christians, vote. I'm not a Christian but you need to vote, so I'm curious have you guys, any of you, had the same experience I have with conservative men? Like I am a snack to them it's the forbidden fruit thing, I don't know, but I've definitely had lots of conservative men show and speak interest in me while also trying to maintain this idea of their I quote Christian ideals, which don't match up at all with, you know, wanting to bang me. Does this resonate with you guys at all?

Speaker 3:

I am lucky to say that I didn't actually have as much experience with that, mostly because I scream dominatrix and they exit stage left, which is probably a good thing for me all around, because I don't actually want to associate with humans like that.

Speaker 3:

But I have had many stories told to me by a number of girlfriends which also had very similar experiences, where they would end up with a more conservative Christian individual, and I think my most favorite one of those stories was from a friend who I will not be naming, but they were engaged to be married and she's a catch. Let me tell you, I would marry that woman tomorrow if I was given an option, but the gentleman in question deemed her unworthy enough and then broke up the engagement with the brilliant phrase I am so sorry, but Jesus told me we cannot be together. Yeah, it's, it's a. It's a very bizarre thing where you, you have a lovely individual and you are together, but then as soon as they go out of line, whatever this line is for you as a super Christian individual, your excuses. Oh, I'm so sorry. Jesus said no.

Speaker 2:

What's funny to me is, um, I didn't realize there were some people. When I was going into a particular sex club, there was some people that, um, I was like in the click with. You know, we were a friend group and it wasn't until, like I kind of drifted away from that group and was more on the outside seeing them that I realized how conservative they were and they are very right thinking and publicly are not very open about their bedroom shenanigans or weekend shenanigans. What really enrages me when I find that out about people is these are people that will be in a heterosexual relationship where when they go to either swinger events or the clubs, they will have a woman come in and either partake with both of them or maybe the female partner will engage.

Speaker 2:

And so I engaged in some activities with one particular female in this group and I'm like, okay, who you are following and the values you are publicly saying you have go against the actions that you do. You're a liar. You can't preach to me about how impure I am and how my beliefs are wrong when your beliefs don't even line up with who you are as a person. Like, at least I can say all my beliefs and everything I say that I stand for and I value it is reflected in how I live my life and the actions I do.

Speaker 2:

And you know, a lot of times when you have these conservative couples that engage in swinger play and will have like a female come in and so the female will engage in sexual games and fun with another female, that is okay because it's part of their intimate relationship with each other. Doing not gay, this is just what we enjoy. Well, no, if you have sex with the same sex, you are having queer sex, whether you call it that or not. And by you saying it's just part of your intimacy, that is you basically saying that third person that you brought in is not a person. They're a sex toy and it's always a woman. And that is just playing in to misogyny and this whole thing that we are trying to fight against, where women are seen as things not people.

Speaker 1:

I want to just say I know that there are swingers out there that do not identify as conservative and they are definitely aware of how they need to act and how they need to treat anybody else that enters their relationship. But in these instances from my own personal experience, getting to know these people they are dehumanizing the other people that they are having sex with and I feel like that's at the root of how they can try and convince themselves that they're still adhering to their marital vows their godly marital vows. First of all, the idea of swinging to them is that well, it's still just us, right? We're still monogamous, but we have sex with these other people and they're viewing these other people as objects. They are dehumanizing them and most often in these situations the other person is a woman and if they are already in that mind frame of you know Christianity of conservatism, it's so much easier to dehumanize a woman because we're already being dehumanized under that sort of structure and I have just watched the treatment of people by these individuals. It's awful. It is as a lesser person, especially when it's a woman being brought in. She is treated poorer than the woman who is part of the couple it harkens back to. If you've watched the Handmaid Tale and you see the scenes of the husband and wife having the handmaid in getting fucked while the wife is there and present, it feels very much like that and the treatment is very much like that and it's just so problematic and I feel like this.

Speaker 1:

I was just so triggered seeing this opening ceremony, which really was full of you know what people take out of it. The context of it is there was a fashion show that took place, with everybody sitting there and you know the different people walking up and down the runway, which was the table dressed in their you know different clothing, which you know France and fashion. But they took this thing that was so inclusive and was giving LGBTQ people, elevating them, giving them the human rights treatment that they deserve. They took that and they're like no, we're going to take that back from you. We're going to take that back from you and we're going to act like you just did something awful, even though they're over here, like you said, putting up Last Supper representations with Trump and turning him into Jesus right and depicting him as Jesus, as holy, in lots of images.

Speaker 1:

It's very frustrating to me to just see people who are fronting and being loud and proud as Christians who are being like. I'm a Christian, I am conservative. I am not okay with this Last Supper representation and it was not. And look, folks, if you are again, go to my YouTube channel. We are going to put up the picture of the Last Supper. We are going to put up the picture of the drag queen show and then we are going to put up the picture that was actually based on, which was the Feast of Dionysus, correct? Is that what it's called, deanna? You had looked it up.

Speaker 2:

The painting that I saw that it was based on is Banquet of the Gods.

Speaker 1:

Banquet of the Gods and folks, I am going to actually hold up the picture of the Banquet of the Gods on my phone. You should be able to see it.

Speaker 2:

Before you. Conservative Christians that creeped on over here say oh well, that looks like the Last Supper. Guess what? That's Greek mythology and that is before your Last Supper. Another thing that I think this also kind of gives evidence to is how a lot of imagery in Christianity has been taken from other belief systems. The Christmas tree has pagan history in it in the visualization, but they have made it. You know, about christian the last supper, the depiction of the last supper. That painting came after some paintings of greek mythology that had the same depictions.

Speaker 3:

Madonna and childs um are reflective of venus pictures I mean a number of other holidays, if you think, um, almost all of them are some sort of a relation, uh, to some sort of pagan, celtic or, um, a number of other country holidays, um think easter. The same reason. It has been shoehorned into christianity, but it was originally, um, I think it was a cic holiday for Austera of the Dawn, back to the Bacchanalia kind of celebration. It is a Greek sport event and first you should assume it's a Greek origin story before you instantly jump into the Christian story. Greece has been there before Christianity for quite a while and all those gods are not practiced anymore, but temples are still there, like people know about them. So you are also. When you are shoehorning these events into your Christian beliefs, you're also showing how genuinely uneducated you are.

Speaker 1:

And what I want to say is this I believe everyone has a right to their beliefs. You have a right to be Christian, you have a right to be conservative. If those are the things you want, to be right. But if you are going to be them, be them meaning. Don't put on this front and use your front of Christianity and conservatism to make laws and control everybody else and what they can do and force people into living in a way that you are not living yourself. That means that means, dear Christians, you're going to need to give up your swinging life. You're going to need to give up your threesomes. You are going to need to give up your fuckfest you're putting on. If you want to make sure all of us have the same rights to do what you're doing without hiding, being cowardly and hiding great about and loud and proud about that. But you don't get to pretend to be, you know, christian and conservative and then go have your fuck fests, you know, behind closed curtains, while oppressing everybody else. It's, it's enraging to me, it's enraging to me. And you don't get to vote in leaders that are clearly having fuck fests and being very, very, very.

Speaker 1:

You know, whatever Greek God like, think about. Think about the the goddiness of Trump and the people that surround him. Think about the like ornateness of his life. Think about like his openness, like grabbing him by the pussy left and right. You don't get to act like he's God-like. You don't get to not be outraged by that but then tell France what the fuck they have to do. It's just, it's so blatant and gross and unacceptable. You know, and I do. I know some people need to stay in the closet and I try to be really as a queer person. Being in the LGBTQ community, I always try to give people the room to come out when they need to come out. But it gets a little sketchy when you're using the closet as a way to protect yourself while oppressing others.

Speaker 3:

Fuck that. The fact that we're kind of edging into a theocracy is definitely a very unfortunate situation, because there is freedom of religion in you know kind of in the laws, and yet the Christian contingent is not allowing for that for anyone else. It's saying that you can have freedom, but only this one variety version of freedom.

Speaker 1:

We're free to be their sex toys, right? Yes, I feel like we've covered the opening ceremony. So first of all, it is. It was not a depiction of the last supper, like bottom line, not a depiction of the last supper. I will put up the screenshot of the drag queen show that has pissed everyone off. The last supper and the banquet of the gods you can decide for yourselves. Uh, whatever you need to think about that. But again, I think we've also gone over all of the hypocrisies, including our personal experiences with this particular section of conservative Christian outraged folks who are also trying to bang the rest of us in bacchanalia style. I say we cut them all off until they knock this shit off, like can we do that? Can we do that? Can we? Can we cut off their, their sexual play? No sex play for you folks, until you back the fuck off for a while. Any last remarks before we say adieu.

Speaker 2:

Respect everybody, including their faith, their beliefs. If you don't have the same beliefs as me, hey, that's okay. But the biggest thing is no harm, no violence. So when you use those beliefs for harm and violence, that's when I become enraged and I wipe my hands of an individual.

Speaker 3:

Yes, remember. Jesus said love everybody, amen. It's weird, I know you didn't hear him, obviously, but that's the main message is to love everyone.

Speaker 1:

Let's leave it on that note. If you have questions, comments, you want to send us a comment on this? Watch what you say, especially Christian conservatives. Be nice, drop a message in the comment section below the video on my YouTube channel at Annette Benedetti. You can email me at Annette at TalkSexWithAnnette. My books are open. By the way, I am intimacy coaching right now, loving it, having a great time. So you know, if you want to talk through some of your conflict around intimacy and your perhaps your religious upbringing, I am here to support you. Just contact me at Annette at TalkSex with an A. You can scroll down. You can send us a voice message on my speak pipe and also sign up for my e-newsletter so you can receive awesome podcast episodes, just like this one, right in your inbox. So until next time, folks, we'll see you in the locker room.

Speaker 2:

Cheers, cheers. Time folks. We'll see you in the locker room cheers.